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AGIC SEMINARS -- State Reproduction From Below: Informality, Mobility and Unorganized Resistance in the Reconfiguration of Eurasian States’ Political Life

Published: Sunday, October 16, 2022 by Tommaso Bobbio

27 October 2022

10-12 am, Room A2 - Campus Einaudi


Professor Abel Polese (SeniorResearch Fellow, Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction, Dublin City University)


Despite a growing number of studies featuring "informality" in their  title, little has been done to reach a consensus on what informality  means, how to measure it and, more generally, to develop it into a  widely agreed and shared theorization. This presentation widens the scope of informality research to apparently non-economic and non- monetary practices. Using a definition of informality as the aggregate  of transactions that are (deliberately or incidentally) concealed from the state, it argues that the distinction between economic and  non-economic informality is tedious. Ultimately, the function of an informal transaction might change over time. Empirically, this  presentation foots on a national study conducted in the post-socialist  region to explore: 1) the relationship between a person’s status  (migrant, local, male/female) and their willingness and capacity to  comply with state rules; 2) the main alleged motivations to justify  lack of compliance with state rules and 3) the typology of informal  behaviours used not to comply.

Last update: 16/10/2022 12:42

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