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Why study with us?

The just-launched Master's degree in Area and Global Studies for International Cooperation (AGIC) of the University of Turin, Italy, stands for an approach that is global in content, reach, and structure. It combines the study of international cooperation with in-depth, multi- and transdisciplinary-in-character area expertise, generating insights that are relevant from both an academic and a real-world perspective. The result of a cooperative effort by a number of Departments (Cultures, Politics and Society; Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis; Law; Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures; Historical Studies; Humanities), the English-taught Master degree represents an outstanding novelty in the Italian and European panorama, in which rarely is the field of cooperation associated to that of area studies.

If you aspire to a career in international cooperation and are fascinated by a specific area, which you wish to explore in its complexity further, then AGIC is what you need. The programme's second year allows you to choose between the Africa, Americas or Asia profiles, so as to deepen the understanding of cultural traditions, historical experiences and socio-economic issues of various world regions. Established relationships with African, American, Latin American, and Asian universities and research institutions, as well as the groundwork of the Bairati Centre on American and Transatlantic Studies, the Institute of Asian Studies, and the Centre for African Studies, will fuel the approaches and the contents of the Master's degree, making the University of Turin an excellence in the field of area studies and cooperation.


Welcome to AGIC. A ten-minute video introduction to the AGIC Master's Degree Program


Visit the AGIC page in Orient@mente, the online course orientation tool provided by Unito, with videos of our formes students (and teachers) illustrating their experience at AGIC.

An introduction to AGIC in the Orient@mente website


AGIC at a glance. The infographic of our Master's Degree program (click to PDF download)

agic_10_6_page-0001_2_1.jpg agic_10_6_page-0001_3.jpg


Last update: 15/05/2021 12:44

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