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Other Activities, Free choice exams, Extra Credits
(Art. 10, Clause 5, Letter D, DM 22 October 2004, No. 270)

 “Other training activities” in the study plan’s TAF F can be:

  • activities - especially labs (in Italian) – as part of the range of courses and present in the student’s study plan with identifying codes (eg CPS0000) for a minimum of three credits (and its multiples);
  • activities without identifying codes or present in the student’s study plan, but which the Degree Course can recognise and which can be registered in the study plan for a minimum of 3 credits.  These activities can include: seminars, conferences, study days, research seminars, workshops, both in Italy and abroad; student organised activities together with Department teacher support; activities for further study, research, volunteering; other ad hoc activities.

Application form

(Art. 10, Clause 5, Letter A, DM 22 October 2004, No. 270)

Students can only fill in their study plan on-line when this option is available and they must do so for every year they have been enrolled, in accordance with the rules.

Study plan rules concerning electives exams, T af D, allow students to add one or more of the following training activities:

  • Exam/s (in Italian): select one or more same level courses from the University’s entire syllabus, provided it is relevant to the student’s training project;
  • Lab/s (in Italian): select one or more same level lab activities from the Department’s syllabus, provided it is relevant to the student’s training project;
  • Work placements and internships: select one or more work placements or internships (3, 6 or 9 credits), only when there are no more credits available in Other activities, Taf F. Work placements and internships are subject to the norms published on the Job Placement Office page (in Italian).

It is not permitted to insert Other Activities/Altre attività among the Free Choice credits (TAF D): see the notice "Compilazione piano carriera - Esami a scelta libera (non inserire "Altre Attività")" in Italian. 

In accordance with the Regolamento delle carriere studentesche, educational activities that are not included in the Study Plan of each cohort can be added in a Student’s booklet (i.e., Libretto): these so-called extra credits, which are NOT valued in the calculation of the graduation average, can be added at the following conditions:

  • Up to a maximum of 60 credits over the 180 necessary to obtain an undergraduate degree;
  • Up to a maximum of 40 credits over the 120 necessary to obtain a postgraduate degree;
  • Up to a maximum of 100 credits over the 300/360 necessary to obtain a 5-year or 6-year postgraduate degree

To ask for extra credits, Students must fill in the specific form and submit it via Help Desk (object: ISTANZE AL CDL/ESAMI SOVRANNUMERARI), specifying the number of extra credits (i.e., CFU sovrannumerari) already inserted in their Libretto.

Please consider that the request is subject to the approval by the Degree Program and to the payment of the stamp duty according to the Regulations in force.

Last update: 25/07/2024 11:02

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