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Two meetings for young people who want to approach the world of international cooperation | February-March 2024

Published: Thursday, February 15, 2024

COP - Consorzio Ong Piemontesi will organize two new meetings for young people who want to approach the world of international cooperation.

The first meeting will indeed be on February 27th, at a different time and place (at 3:00 PM at the Campus Einaudi, Sala Lauree Blu) because a great expert in health cooperation, Virginio Pietra, who has lived in Africa for 35 years, gave the availability to meet you from Genova. He will present his experience, the projects he has followed, but above all his reflections on how health cooperation has changed over the years and how it interfaces with the health systems of the countries in which he has worked (for those who want to get a first idea, you can read this article published last year by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation). Accompanying him will also be Paolo Leoncini, a doctor who works in Piedmont but has been collaborating for many years with the NGO World Friends and in particular with the Ruaraka Uhai Neema Hospital in the slums of Nairobi.

The second meeting will instead be on March 5th again at the OffTopic and at 5:00 PM. It will be on the theme of gender equality and will offer you the opportunity to dialogue in person with three cooperators who will present the projects they have worked on and are working on, in Bosnia, Egypt, and Guatemala.

Application form

Attached the schedule (Italian language)

Last update: 15/02/2024 14:14

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