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How to apply

Academic Year 2024/2025

General information concerning the UniTo enrolment and registration procedures can be found here.

As to AGIC specifically, candidates are subject to verification of adequate personal preparation (and knowledge of English) through an interview.

1) To take the interview, candidates holding a qualification issued by an Italian University other than UniTo must first obtain the temporary credentials as "prospective students" through MyUniTo (Istruzioni per la registrazione al portale / Portal registration instructions;

2) It is necessary to register to the interview through MyUniTo, using the UniTo credentials (MyUniTo> Iscrizioni > Pre-iscrizione ai corsi ad accesso libero). At the end of the process, candidates will display the message "The application process has been successfully completed" and receive a confirmation email. They can then print the reminder. NB: it is necessary to complete the procedure and to confirm it. Please take note that, to complete the procedure, candidates should upload to the application the following documents:

  • Self-certification of the degree held/of enrolment in a first cycle Degree program, indicating exams undertaken (required);
  • motivation letter (in English; required);
  • CV (in English; required);
  • English and second language (or university language exam) certificates, if candidates already have them.

3) Candidates who possess the admission requirements will receive an email with information on how to schedule the interview with AGIC teachers (the Selection Committee for students with Italian qualification is composed by Prof. Barbera, Prof. Bignante, Prof. Bobbio, Prof. Gusman and Prof. Romanò). They will be divided into two different streams (see point 4).

4) There are two alternatives:

  1. candidates who meet the following two criteria:
     - possession of a minimum of 24 CFUs in at least 3 blocks of Academic Disciplines (SSD) among those listed in the Admission Requirements section;
     - a degree grade of at least 99/110, or (for those who have not yet obtained their Bachelor's degree) a grade average of at least 26/30 in the examinations taken.
    They will undergo an interview aimed at verifying their motivation to undertake the Master's Programme in Area and Global Studies for International Cooperation.
  2. candidates who do not meet both the criteria mentioned in point a) will undergo an interview in which knowledge of a booklet prepared by the Master's Program faculty and available soon in this page will be tested.

The purpose of the interview is to assess the candidate’s personal preparation in relation to the chosen profile, as well as the awareness of and motivation for the Master’s Program. The interview is conducted in English and will take place in a hybrid modality (in presence or online, considering the candidate’s preference), and will also assess the candidate’s knowledge of English and the second language.

Interview sessions to apply for a.y. 2024/2025:

  • July 1-5, 2024 (registration from May 27, 9.30 am to June 20, 11.59 pm);
  • September 12-27, 2024 (registration from July 8, 9.30 am to September 4, 11.59 pm);
  • December 2-6, 2024 (registration from October 7, 9.30 am to November 25, 11.59 pm)

Candidates are allowed to take the interview only once. If a candidate is not in possession of the curricular requirements, the Faculty Board will clarify what are the missing requirements and, eventually, how to acquire them before the last interview session scheduled for December.

Students with qualifications issued by non-Italian Universities are required to apply through Apply@UniTo following the procedures for International Students.

We remind that candidates should personally fill out the application form. The information entered on the application form and attached documents must be truthful.

Applicants having the curricular requirements (see "Admission requirements") are admitted to an interview – in English – aimed at verifying their personal knowledge of English and second language, and at discussing their general knowledge on the main themes of the course program and previous experience.

If the candidate is not in possession of the curricular requirements, the Faculty Board may eventually allow her/him to enroll in specific courses of the Master's Degree.

Last update: 20/05/2024 10:07

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